Cover image: Golden Rule resources


Golden Rule resources

Contains 5 items

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Our fun assembly helps to answer the question 'What is the Golden Rule?' 'The Golden Rule in world religions' takes a look at the universal, spiritual nature of the Golden Rule.

This would be particularly suitable for RE or PSHE. 'The Golden Rule - stand where you believe' is a self reflection activity about living the Golden Rule through our own lives.

These are written with a target audience of KS2 but would suit other ages with minimal adaptation. Used these resources?

Resource contents

  • PDF

    Golden Rule Day assembly

  • PDF

    The Golden Rule in world religions activity plan

  • Slides

    The Golden Rule in world religions on screen prompts for classroom

  • Slides

    The Golden Rule Day in world religions plan in displayable format

  • PDF

    The Golden Rule - Stand where you believe activity plan


Compassionate Values

Age Ranges

KS1: ages 5-7, KS2: ages 7-11


Philosophy / P4C / Critical thinking, PSHE / PSE / PSED, RE / RS, Spiritual, moral, social, cultural (SMSC)

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