Cover image: Join the Global Dimension community

Join the Global Dimension community

As the UK’s largest global learning platform, we are pleased to be able to offer everyone access to hundreds of teaching resources and our global events calendar without registering - so what are the benefits of creating an account on Global Dimension?

Join community discussions, get personalised resource recommendations and receive our monthly newsletter.

By creating a Global Dimension account, you can:

Personalise your homepage

When you create your account you can select the ages, subjects and topics that you teach, which allows us to share the most relevant resources with you directly to your homepage.

Connect with our community

Having an account allows you to take part in conversations on our In Focus discussion forums, where you can interact with other teachers and discuss how you are reacting to current news events in your classroom.

Save your favourite resources

Is there a resource which you keep coming back to, or don’t want to forget? With a registered account, you can save your favourites, and easily access them whenever you need to on your personal Favourites page.

Recommend resources

Let other teachers in the Global Dimension community know what resources you recommend by using the ‘recommend’ button.

Share on social media

We know that it's important to be able to share your favourite resources with your colleagues and other global learning educators, so use our link sharing button to let other teachers know about the resources you love the most.

Receive The Globe monthly newsletter

Every month we share a lowdown of upcoming global events with resources to help you to celebrate them in your classroom. Our newsletter also includes invites to upcoming events, monthly class activities to accompany our annual Wall Planner, and the latest news from Global Dimension and Reboot the Future.


To sign up to Global Dimension, head to now and join thousands of like-minded educators in our global learning community.