Cover image: Oxfam Education website


Oxfam Education website

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Oxfam Education

This is a very impressive website for teachers offering a huge range of ideas, resources and support for developing global learning in the classroom and the whole school.

All of the resources support Education for Global Citizenship – education that helps pupils understand their world and make a positive difference in it.

There is background information exploring the best ways to deliver global citizenship education; support for whole school aspects such as INSET, curriculum planning, assemblies, school ethos and school partnerships; as well as resources for school projects and a wealth of teacher support material.

In addition, the teaching resources themselves are well-catalogued and easily searchable by topic, age range, country and curriculum area. Many of the resources are available in Welsh as well as English.

Resource contents

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    Oxfam Education website


Compassionate Values, Globalisation and Interdependence

Age Ranges

Early Years: ages 3-5, KS1: ages 5-7, KS2: ages 7-11, KS3: ages 11-14, KS4: ages 14-16, KS5: ages 16+


Art and design, Business studies / management, Citizenship, Computing / ICT, Design and technology, Drama, Economics, English / literacy, Geography, History, Maths / numeracy, Music, PE / dance, PSHE / PSE / PSED, RE / RS, Science, Assembly

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