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Fairtrade food security quiz

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This quiz fits with the 2016 Fairtrade Fortnight theme of food security, but can be used at any time. National Curriculum links: Key Stage 3 Geography: Place knowledge- UK relationship with the wider world. Human geography processes and change- population and economy. Key Stage 4 Geography: Human geography processes and change- global economic development issues, the causes and consequences of uneven development at a global level. A Level Economics: The international economy- globalisation, trade, market failure- inequity, environment, income distribution. Geography: International trade, including access to markets, inequality and 'fair trade'; the nature of economic, political, social and environmental interdependence in the contemporary world; inequities of global systems and how they can result in unemployment, poverty and declining welfare standards for some people and localities, and advantages for other people and localities; food production, circulation and consumption.

Resource contents


Compassionate Values, Environment and Sustainability, Equality, Globalisation and Interdependence, Industry and Economy, Production and Consumption

Age Ranges

KS3: ages 11-14, KS4: ages 14-16, KS5: ages 16+


Economics, Geography

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