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Springboard Stories

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Springboard Stories is a magazine (with an accompanying website) packed with adaptable lesson ideas based around an original children’s picture book. Aimed at primary school teachers, the magazine comes with beautiful posters and online resources that can be used with whiteboards and tablets. Resources are topic-based - each topic starts with a story and then takes you on a cross-curricular journey exploring the theme using inspirational lesson ideas and resources. Many of the topics have a global theme. For example, the Traders topic begins with a story based in an Indian bazaar, then expands to explore how people of different cultures work together and how ideas have spread all over our world - taking in the Silk Road and the Taj Mahal as it goes. (Meanwhile Ranjit from the bazaar can help you learn about apostrophes!) Other topics dig into issues of biodiversity, lifecycles, food, the ocean and the environment... lots of exciting worlds to explore, all starting with a story! You can subscribe to individual topics from as little as £10.95 a year; there are also a range of free resources available to download.

Resource contents

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Arts, Culture and Religion, Environment and Sustainability

Age Ranges

KS1: ages 5-7, KS2: ages 7-11


Art and design, Drama, English / literacy, English: literature / story, Geography, History, Maths / numeracy, Philosophy / P4C / Critical thinking, Science, Assembly, Spiritual, moral, social, cultural (SMSC)

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